Resetting & Refocusing on Your New Year Goals

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Mistake #1: Adding instead of replacing habits

Most people fail their resolutions because they try to stack new habits on an already full plate. 

Takeaway: Success isn't about finding more time – it's about reallocating the time you have.

Mistake #2: Relying on willpower

Willpower is like a muscle that gets tired. Instead of relying on daily motivation, change your environment and implement structures to eliminate decisions. 

Takeaway: Make the right choice the easy choice by removing obstacles and decisions from your path.

Mistake #3: Starting too big

The key is to start so slow and small it feels almost too easy. Once the habit is established, you can build on it naturally.

Takeaway: Focus on consistency over intensity – tiny actions, repeated daily, create lasting change.

Mistake #4: Thinking setbacks mean it wasn't meant to be  

Success isn't about perfect performance – it's about resilient response. Research shows that people who achieve their goals treat slip-ups as data points, not defeat. Skip the guilt and focus on what you'll do differently tomorrow.

Takeaway: Plan for setbacks in advance and have a specific reset strategy ready.